Anonymised and secure processing of retailer data to guarantee confidentiality
Strict management rules
Retail Int. provides each retailer with aggregated and anonymised data about itself, and never :
Results to non-customer brands or any other operator
other operator (lessor, agent, etc.)
Information enabling the individual performance of a brand or shop to be estimated by deduction or cross-checking.
Sector-specific information without the prior written consent
of all the companies in the sector
Secure IT infrastructure and data processing
- The raw data (name of the company and address shops) are coded & do not appear on no file/item restored
- The number of authorisations required to access the databases of coded data are severely limited
- Local premises and infrastructure are secure (flow filtering, data encryption, infrastructure, etc.). and hardened router/firewall security rules, etc.).
- Secure server architecture : organisation into security zones, isolation of externally accessible servers vs. database servers
- Data is transferred using secure protocols and backed up on encrypted media.
- Security audits and penetration tests are carried out regularly